Download update Map Dota 6.72f AI 1.2-nya ada dibawah
Cara pakai Map DotA 6.72f AI Almighty Hand! Control the Roshan! menurut websitenya dibawah ini
Cara pakai
1. Ketika pertandingan dimulai, ketik perintah yang biasa Anda (contoh:-apneng)
2. Setelah itu, ketik-almightyhand
3. Tekan ESC

4. Klik tombol Almight Hand sehingga akan berubah menjadi ON

5. Klik Tombol Close dan voila! kamu bisa mengendalikan semua unit, termasuk Roshan.
6. Jika kamu mengendalikan Roshan saat itu, kamu ketik iseedeadpeople untuk membuka semua peta.
Ingin tahu apa yang dapat Anda lakukan dengan peta ini? Check this out!
Menara Sentinel juga ingin bergabung dalam pertempuran!
Ini adalah apa yang terjadi ketika Anda lupa untuk membayar gaji menara Anda dan barak, mereka melarikan diri! wkwkwkwkwk
Kendalikan Roshan dan membuatnya menyerang musuh Anda di markas sendiri: p
Download DotA Versi 6.72 ai dibawah ini
DotA 6.72f AI Main Changelogs
- All DotA 6.72f features is ported
- Captain Mode enabled
- All heroes got AI
- New Auto-Lane system
- New Auto-Roshan system
- New “mode-pack”:
-beginnermode (-bm) = -neng
-advancedmode (-am) = -nengdedg
-xtrememode (-xm) = -hehgdedg
- All DotA 6.72f features is ported
- Captain Mode enabled
- All heroes got AI
- New Auto-Lane system
- New Auto-Roshan system
- New “mode-pack”:
-beginnermode (-bm) = -neng
-advancedmode (-am) = -nengdedg
-xtrememode (-xm) = -hehgdedg
DotA v6.72f AI 1.1 Download
DotA 6.72f AI 1.1 via GameWebZ
DotA 6.72f AI 1.1 via FileSonic
DotA 6.72f AI 1.1 Main Changelogs
Fixed bugs on heroes skills
Fixed heroes AI : Silencer (Curse of Silence), Lich (Frost Armor), Venomancer (Ward), Chen (Holy Persuation), Soul Keeper (was using Reflection on allies), Naga Siren (Song of the Siren bug fixed, condition reworked), Tauren (Earthsplitter improved), Shadow Demon (Shadow Poison?)
DotA 6.72f AI 1.1 via GameWebZ
DotA 6.72f AI 1.1 via FileSonic
DotA 6.72f AI 1.1 Main Changelogs
Fixed bugs on heroes skills
Fixed heroes AI : Silencer (Curse of Silence), Lich (Frost Armor), Venomancer (Ward), Chen (Holy Persuation), Soul Keeper (was using Reflection on allies), Naga Siren (Song of the Siren bug fixed, condition reworked), Tauren (Earthsplitter improved), Shadow Demon (Shadow Poison?)
DotA 6.72f AI 1.2 Main Changelogs
Fixed: Windrunner group lost bug removed.
Fixed: Some minor tweak in aiming func.
Fixed: Human KotL auto-using Recall.
Fixed: Delay bug in AIAttackedByHumanHero
Added storing of learn and use skills by heroes.
Fixed: Magnus’ not using Reverse.
Fixed: Magnus’ itembuild.
Applied range check to Sprout (Furion’s) and Shackle (Rhasta, plus disable check). Now both won’t use the spell against enemy out of range -> no rambo mode, no missed Sprout.
Tauren now use ability to join with idle spirit.
Fixed: KotL Illuminate, added extra use.
Improved AI: usage of SandKing’s Burrowstrike and Epi-Blink.
Little improvement on Shadowfiend’s Shadow Raze
Undid all fake abilities, changing base order instead. (Troll’s Ranged Whirling Axe, Batrider’s Firebreak, Phoenix’ Sun Ray)
Fixed: Akasha not using ulti.
Fixed: incorrect SunRay order.
Fixed: Lone Druid not using Rabid and some bug in Battlecry usage.
Fixed: problems in channel-based skills.
Fixed: some bugs related to skill learning, esp. Huskar.
Meld should not decrease building’s armor anymore.
Fair aggro attempt. Orb attack do not count as attack.
Fixed: Leshrac’s AI (now use Edict and Nova properly)
Applied the “free mode” to AI’s scroll of town portal (supposedly decrease tp-cancel probability).
AI Assault Cuirass Recipe fix: 1500 -> 1300
Sumber :
nggak bisa gan
BalasHapusapanya yg gak bisa gan?