Cache of Quel-thelan

+15% attack speed
Buy 500 Sell 275
Used to make Power Treads, Hand of Midas, Armlet of Mordiggian, Maelstrom

15% life steal (orb effects)
Buy 900 Sell 450
Used to make Helm of the Dominator, Mask of Madness, Vladmir's Offering

+2 HP regen/seconds
Buy 350 Sell 175
Used to make Headdress of Rejuvenation, Vladmir's Offering, Hood of Defiance, Soul Ring, Tranquil Boots

Blink (active) : Blink for up to 1200 distance
Cannot be used if you have been damaged by player based damage in the last 3 seconds
Cannot be used by Vengeful Spirit or Pudge
Buy 2150 Sell 1075
75 mana, 14 seconds cooldown
Sobi Mask
+50% mana regeneration
Buy 325 Sell 162
Used to make Ring of Basilius, Oblivion Staff, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Soul Ring
Boots of Speed
Increase movespeed by 55
Buy 500 Sell 250
Used to make Boots of Travel, Power Treads, Phase Boots, Tranquil Boots
Gem of True Sight
Allow the bearer to see invisible unit within a small radius.
Drop upon death (8 minutes cooldown)
Buy 700 Sell N/A
Planeswalker's Cloak
15% spell resistance
Buy 550 Sell 275
Used to make Hood of Defiance
Cannot be used by Vengeful Spirit or Pudge
Buy 2150 Sell 1075
75 mana, 14 seconds cooldown

+50% mana regeneration
Buy 325 Sell 162
Used to make Ring of Basilius, Oblivion Staff, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Soul Ring

Increase movespeed by 55
Buy 500 Sell 250
Used to make Boots of Travel, Power Treads, Phase Boots, Tranquil Boots

Allow the bearer to see invisible unit within a small radius.
Drop upon death (8 minutes cooldown)
Buy 700 Sell N/A

15% spell resistance
Buy 550 Sell 275
Used to make Hood of Defiance

Energy Charge (Does not stack)
When enemy casts a spell around you (1400), you gain 1 charge. Maximum 10 charges. When you cast the item, you instantly regenerate 15 hp and 15 mana for each charge. This does not trigger off of non-spells or attack orbs
Buy 200 Sell 100
Used to make Magic Wand
Add 25% Evasion
Buy 1800 Sell 900
Used to make the Butterfly, Heaven's Halberd

+7 Attributes
Ghost Form (Active)
Ghost Form makes you unable to attack or be attacked, but you take 44% extra damage from spells. Ghost Form lasts 4 seconds and has a 30 second cooldown. Ghost Form ends if you become magic immune, and will have no effect if you are already magic immune.
Buy 1600 Sell 800
Used to make Ethereal Blade
Ancient of Wonders

Regenerates 100 mana over 30 seconds.
Clarity Potion will be dispelled when unit attacks/attacked.
Contains 1 charge
Buy 50 Sell 25

Regenerates targeted friendly unit HP by 400 HP over 10 seconds.
Sapphire Water will be dispelled when unit attacks/attacked.
Contains 1 charge
Buy 100 Sell 50

2 charge consumable. Does not stack in inventory.
Reveal affects enemy units in a 1050 AoE around the caster. Reveal prevents affected units from becoming invisible for 12 seconds.
Lasts 12 seconds. 60 CD
Buy 180 Sell 90
Empty Bottle
It can store healing water for up to 3 uses (cast on Fountain), each healing 135 HP and 70 mana over 3 seconds.
It can be used to capture magical runes for 2 minutes. No mana cost.
Buy 600 Sell 300
Observer Wards
Summon an invisible ward to spy upon an area. Does not have true sight.
6 minutes duration. Contains 2 charges.
Buy 200 Sell 100
Sentry Wards
Summon an invisible ward to spy upon an area. Will reveals enemy's invisible unit within 950 AoE. Have small AoE natural vision.
3 minutes duration. Contains 2 charges
Buy 200 Sell 100
Ancient Tango of Essifation
Restores 115 HP over 16 seconds when bearer eat trees.
Contains 3 charges
Buy 90 Sell 45
Animal Courier
Summon a fast unit with 6 items slot and 45 HP.
If die, all the items will be fall to the ground.
Buy 150 Sell 75
Used to make Flying Courier
Scroll of Town Portal
Teleport hero to a friendly structure.
75 mana cost. 3 seconds cast time. 65 seconds cooldownReveal affects enemy units in a 1050 AoE around the caster. Reveal prevents affected units from becoming invisible for 12 seconds.
Lasts 12 seconds. 60 CD
Buy 180 Sell 90

It can store healing water for up to 3 uses (cast on Fountain), each healing 135 HP and 70 mana over 3 seconds.
It can be used to capture magical runes for 2 minutes. No mana cost.
Buy 600 Sell 300

Summon an invisible ward to spy upon an area. Does not have true sight.
6 minutes duration. Contains 2 charges.
Buy 200 Sell 100
Summon an invisible ward to spy upon an area. Will reveals enemy's invisible unit within 950 AoE. Have small AoE natural vision.
3 minutes duration. Contains 2 charges
Buy 200 Sell 100

Restores 115 HP over 16 seconds when bearer eat trees.
Contains 3 charges
Buy 90 Sell 45

Summon a fast unit with 6 items slot and 45 HP.
If die, all the items will be fall to the ground.
Buy 150 Sell 75
Used to make Flying Courier

Teleport hero to a friendly structure.
Buy 135 Sell 67

Smoke of Deceit (active) Places a buff on all allied player-controlled units in a 1200 AoE. Makes them invisible, grants 15% movespeed bonus, and prevents them from appearing on minimap to enemy players. If you get within 1025 AoE of an enemy hero or tower, or if you attack any unit, the buff wears off. Buff lasts up to 40 seconds. Has a 12 minutes stock cooldown.
Buy 100 Sell 50
Sena The Accessorizer

+3 Strength
Buy 150 Sell 75
Used to make Bracer

+3 Agility
Buy 150 Sell 75
Used to make Wraith Band, Poor Man's Shield

+3 Intelligence
Buy 150 Sell 75
Used to make Null Talisman

+1 to all stats
Buy 57 Sell 28
Used to make Headdress of Rejuvenation, Netherezim Buckler, Magic Wand

+6 Strength
Buy 450 Sell 225
Used to make Sange, Necronomicon, Power Treads, Cranium Basher

+6 Agility
Buy 450 Sell 225
Used to make Yasha, Power Treads

+6 Intelligence
Buy 450 Sell 225
Used to make Blade Mail, Oblivion Staff, Diffusal Blade, Power Treads, Veil of Discord

+2 to all stats
Buy 185 Sell 92
Used to make Bracer, Wraith Band, Null Talisman

+10 Strength
Buy 1000 Sell 500
Used to make Sange, Black King Bar, Aghanim's Scepter

+10 Agility
Buy 1000 Sell 500
Used to make Yasha, Diffusal Blade, Aghanim's Scepter

+10 Intelligence
Buy 1000 Sell 500
Used to make Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Dagon, Necronomicon, Aghanim's Scepter, Force Staff, Rod of Atos

+10 to all stats
Buy 2100 Sell 1050
Used to make Linken's Sphere, Eye of Skadi, Guinsoo, Manta Style
Weapons Dealer

+9 damage
Buy 450 Sell 225
Used to make Crystalys, Phase Boots

+18 damage
Buy 1200 Sell 600
Used to make Blade Mail, Crystalys, Battlefury

+10% attack speed
+10 damage
Buy 900 Sell 575
Used to make Oblivion Staff, The Butterfly, Lothar's Edge, Force Staff

+21 damage
Buy 1400 Sell 700
Used to make Battle Fury, Lothar Edge

+2 armor
Buy 175 Sell 87
Used to make Ring of Basillius, Arcane Ring, Tranquil Boots

60 % chance block 20 damage
Buy 250 Sell 125
Used to make Vanguard, Poor Man's Shield

+21 damage
20 % chance add 40 damage for each attack
Buy 1500 Sell 750
Used to make Monkey King Bar, Cranium Basher

+24 damage
Buy 1600 Sell 800
Used to make Maelstrom, Black King Bar, Stygian Desolator

+5 armor
Buy 550 Sell 275
Used to make Natherezim Buckler, Blade Mail, Assault Cuirass , Phase Boots

+5 armor, +3 HP regen/seconds
Buy 950 Sell 475
Used to make Helm of the Dominator, Hood of Defiance, Armlet of Mordiggian, Veil of Discord

+10 armor
Buy 1400 Sell 700
Used to make Assault Cuirass, Shiva's Guard

+32% bonus attack damage on non-hero units. +12% (ranged)
Tree Chop (Active)
Tree Chop destroys a target tree.
Cooldown : 5 seconds
Quelling Blade cannot be held by Admiral
Buy 225 Sell 112
Leragas the Vile

+46 damage
Buy 2400 Sell 1300
Used to make Divine Rapier, Buriza-do Kyanon, Monkey King Bar

+25 Agility
Buy 3300 Sell 1650
Used to make The Butterfly, Mjollnir, Ethereal Blade

+25 Strength
Buy 3200 Sell 1600
Used to make Heart of Tarrasque, Satanic

+60 damage
Buy 3800 Sell 1900
Used to make Divine Rapier, Radiance, Abyssal Blade

+55% attack speed
Buy 2100 Sell 1050
Used to make Assault Cuirass, Mjollnir

+4 HP regen/seconds
Buy 875 Sell 437
Used to make Perseverance, Vanguard, Hood of Defiance

+100% mana regeneration
Buy 875 Sell 450
Used to make Perseverance, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Guinsoo

+25 Intelligence
Buy 2700 Sell 1350
Used to make Shiva's Guard, Guinsoo

+250 mana
Buy 1000 Sell 500
Used to make Soul Booster, Arcane Ring

+150 mana
+200 HP
Buy 1200 Sell 600
Used to make Soul Booster, Eye of Skadi, Aghanim's Scepter

+250 HP
Buy 1100 Sell 550
Used to make Soul Booster, Heart of Tarrasque, Vanguard, Rod of Atos

Adds a poison effect to your attacks. Deals 3dps and lasts 4 seconds. 4% slow for range, 12% for melee.
Buy 350 Sell 175
Used to make Eye of Skadi

+10 armor, +35% attack speed
+5 armor aura, +20% attack speed aura (allies), -5 armor aura(enemy)
Requires : Platemail (1400), Chainmail (550), Hyperstone (2100), Recipe (1300)

+40 Strength, 2% HP regen (not stack, only regenerates when not taken damage from player units for 6 seconds if range, 4 seconds if melee ), +300 HP
Requires : Messerschmidt's Reaver (3200), Vitality Booster (1100),
Recipe (1200)

+10 Strength, +24 damage
Avatar (active) immune spell for 10/9/8/7/6/5 seconds duration
80/75/70/65/60/55 seconds cooldown seconds
Requires : Ogre Axe (1000), Mithril Hammer (1600), Recipe (1300)

+15 armor, +30 inteligence, -15% attack speed aura
Arctic Blast (active) -40% movement speed, deal 200 damage
100 mana, 30 seconds cooldown
Requires : Platemail (1400), Mystic Staff (2700), Recipe (600)

+500 hp, +400 mana, +200% mana regen, +9 hp regen
When nearby enemy hero dead (1000 AoE), gain 1 charge. Each charge give 1 Mana regen. Loses a third charges per death (rounded down). Restore 400 + 30 x charges HP to nearby allies (1700) when die. Gold lost on death is reduced by 25 per charge. Respawn time reduced by 4 seconds per charge. Start with 6 charges.
Requires : Soul Booster (3300), Perseverance (1750)

Blocks most targetted spells once every 20 seconds (passive)
+6 HP regen/second, +150% mana regen, +15 All Stats, +10 damage
Requires : Perseverence (1750), Ultimate Orb (2100), Recipe (1325)
+6 HP regen/second, +250 HP
+70% chance to block 40 damage (20 damage for ranged heroes)
Requires : Ring of Health (875), Vitality Booster (1100), Stout Shield (250)

+22 damage, +5 armor, +10 intelligence
Damage Return (active) return 100% damage as magical damage
Duration 4 seconds, Cooldown 22 seconds, Manacost 25
Has visual effect to show when it is active
Requires : Broadsword (1200), Chainmail (550), Robe of the Magi (450)

+450 HP, +400 mana
+100% mana regen, +4HP regen/seconds
Requires : Vitality Booster (1100), Energy Booster (1000),
Point Booster (1200)

+30% spell resistance, +8 hp regen
Requires : Planeswalkers Cloak (550), Ring of Regeneration x2 (700), Ring of Health (875)
Arcane Sanctum

+35 Intelligence, +150% mana regen, +10 Strength, +10 Agility
Hex (active) turn enemy into sheep for 3.5 seconds
100 mana, 35 seconds cooldown
Requires : Ultimate Orb (2100), Mystic Staff (2700), Void Stone (875)

+25 inteligence, +30 damage, +30% attack speed, +150% mana regen
Soul Burn (active) 5 seconds silence, amplify 25% damage
18 seconds cooldown, 100 Mana
Requires : 2 x Oblivion Staff (2 x 1675), Recipe (775)

+10 Intelligence, +150% Mana regen , +30 Movement Speed
Cyclone (active) cast cyclone on 1 enemy/self for 2.5 seconds
75 mana, 30 seconds cooldown
Requires : Staff of Wizardry (1000), Void Stone (875), Sobi Mask (325), Recipe (600)

+10 Intelligence, +10 Damage, +10% Attack Speed
Force (active) push any unit 600 units into the direction it's facing
25 mana, 20 seconds cooldown
Requires : Staff of Wizardry (1000), Quarter Staff (900), Recipe (300)

+13 Intelligence, +9 damage, +3 All Stats
Energy Burst (active) 400 damage to single target
180 mana, 40 seconds cooldown, can be upgraded (4x)
Requires : Staff of Wizardry (1000), Null Talisman (505), Recipe (1300)
Upgrade per level : -20 mana cost, -4 seconds cooldown, +100 damage, +2 intelligence

+15 Intelligence, +8 Strength
Demonic Summoning (active) Summon 2 Demon with special abilites
50 mana, 90 seconds cooldown, can be upgraded (2x)
Summons can't attack Ancient unit
Requires : Staff of Wizardry (1000), Belt Of Giant Strength (450), Recipe (1250)
Level 1 :
Warrior 400 hp, 25 normal damage, 6 heavy armor
Has Mana Break (burn 25 mana per hit) and Last Will (deals 400 damage to unit that kills it)
Archer 400 hp, 40 piercing damage, 6 heavy armor
Has Mana Burn (125 burned, 600 range) and Endurance Aura (increases nearby unit's movement and attack speed by 3%)
Level 2
+21 Intelligence, +12 Strength
Warrior 600 hp, 50 normal damage, 8 heavy armor
Has Mana Break (burn 50 mana per hit) and Last Will (deals 500 damage to unit that kills it)
Archer 600 hp, 80 piercing damage, 8 heavy armor
Has Mana Burn (175 burned, 600 range) and Endurance Aura (increases nearby unit's movement and attack speed by 6%)
Level 3
+24 Intelligence, +16 Strength
Warrior 800 hp, 75 normal damage, 10 heavy armor
Has Mana Break (burn 75 mana per hit), Last Will (deals 600 damage to unit that kills it), Magic Sentry (Increased vision range, also reveals nearby invisible units)
Archer 800 hp, 120 piercing damage, 10 heavy armor
Has Mana Burn (225 burned, 600 range), Endurance Aura (increases nearby unit's movement and attack speed by 9%)

+10 all attributes, +200 HP, +150 Mana
Improves Ultimates for Lord of Avernus, Bane Elemental, Earthshaker, Holy Knight, Clockwerk Goblin, Shadow Priest, Sacred Warrior, Invoker, Juggernaut, Tormented Soul, Slayer, Demon Witch, Moon Rider, Necrolyte, Nightstalker, Pandaren Brewmaster, Butcher, Oblivion, Queen of Pain, Shadow Shaman, Crystal Maiden, Spiritbreaker, Sand King, Twin Head Dragon, Undying, Vengeful Spirit, Venomancer, Faceless Void, Windrunner, Witch Doctor, and Lord of Olympia, Meepo.
Requires : Point Booster(1200), Ogre Axe (1000), Blade of Alacrity(1000), Staff of Wizardry (1000)

+5 HP regen/second, +200% mana regen, +40 damage, +6 Intelligence
Reset Cooldown (active) all ability cooldowns turn to 0
375 mana, 160 seconds cooldown
Requires : Oblivion Staff (1675), Perseverance (1750), Recipe (1875)

+5 armor, +5 HP/sec regeneration, +12 Intelligence
Discord (active) Applies a debuff on all enemy units in a 475 AoE, causing them to have reduced magic resistance for a duration. Amplifies magic damage by 25%
20 seconds duration, 75 mana, 30 second cooldown, 800 cast range
Requires : Helm of Iron Will (950), Robe of the Magi (450), Recipe (1250)

+25 Intelligence, +250 HP
Cripple (active) Slows the target's movement speed by 50% for 4.
Cast Range: 800, Cooldown: 20, Manacost: 50
Requires : 2x Staff of Wizardry (2000), Vitality Booster (1100)
Supportive Vestment

+5 to all stats, +3 armor, +4 HP regen aura
Heal (active) +2 armor, 250hp, 750 AoE
150 mana, 45 seconds cooldown. Cannot healed twice on 30 seconds
Requires : Headdress of Rejuvenation (603), Natherezim Buckler (803), Recipe (900)

+16% Vampiric Aura (melee), +0.80 Mana Regeneration Aura
+5 Armor Aura, +15% Damage Aura
Requires : Ring of Basilius (500), Mask of Death (900),
Ring of Regeneration (350), Recipe (300)

+65 Movement Speed, +250 Mana
Replenish Mana (active) replenish 135 mana to nearby allies (600 AoE)
25 mana, 45 seconds cooldown
Requires : Energy Booster (1000), Boots of Speed (500)

+9 Damage, +3 All Stats, +3 Agility, +1 Armor, +2 Armor Aura, +0.65 Mana Regeneration Aura
Can be Disassembled
Requires : Wraith Band (485), Ring of Basilius (500)

Summon a very fast flying unit with 6 items slot, 150 hp, 10 armor
Can cast Burst and Courier Shield
If die, all the items will be fall to the ground. Has magic immunity.
Cannot carry Gem of Truesight and Aegis
Requires : Animal courier (150), Recipe (220)
Burst (active) movement speed boost for 20 seconds
Courier Shield (active) immune all damage for 7 seconds

+5 armor, +2 all stats
Area bonus armor (active) +2 armor
10 mana, 25 seconds cooldown
Requires : Chainmail (550), Ironwood Branch (53), Recipe (200)

+6 damage, 1 armor
Brilliance Aura +0.65 mana regen
Devotion Aura +2 armor
Requires : Ring of Protection (175), Sobi Mask (325)

+10 HP/sec regen, +30% magic resistance
Barrier (active)
Barrier protects allies within 500 range from 400 spell damage for 10 seconds
100 manacost, 60 seconds cooldownDoes not affect units that have been affected by Barrier in the last 50 seconds
Requires : Hood of Defiance (2150), Headdress of Rejuvenation (603), Recipe (900)
Urn of Shadows (875)
+50% Mana Regeneration, + 6 Strength
Soul Release (active)
Can expend one charge to target an allied or enemy hero. If an ally is targeted, it is healed for 400 HP over 8 seconds (this effect ends if the hero takes damage from a source other than the creeps). If an enemy is targeted, it takes 200 damage over 8 seconds. Has a 10 second cooldown, and 950 cast range
Requires : Sobi Mask (325), 2 X Gauntlets of Ogre Strength (2 x 150), Recipe (250)

+2 to all stats, +3 hp regen aura
Requires : Ironwood Branch (53), Ring of Regeneration (350), Recipe (200)

+6 armor, +50% mana regeneration
Valor (active) Target enemy and you lose 6 armor. 7 seconds duration and 7 second cooldown with 800 cast range
Requires : Chain Mail (550), Sobi Mask (325), Recipe (200)

+9 all attributes, +9 damage
Endurance Aura (passive) +5 attack speed, +5% movement speed, 900 AoE
Endurance (active) +10 attack speed and +10% movement speed during 6 seconds to all allied player-controlled units in a 900 AoE. Has 30 second cooldown and 4 charges.
Requires : Bracer (525), Robe of the Magi (450), Recipe (750)

+80 Movement, +3 HP Regen, +3 Armor
Rejuvenate (active) Restores 170 HP over 10 seconds, non-combat only. Can only be casted on self.
25 mana, 40 seconds cooldown
If you take more than 4 instances of damage (greater than 20) in the past 10 seconds, the item temporarily breaks and becomes basic boots (until the last 10 seconds don't have 3 instances). Same damage source rules as Blink Dagger.
Requires : Boots of Speed (500), Ring of Protection (175), Ring of Regeneration (350)
Ancient Weaponry

+300 damage
Drops upon death
Requires : Sacred Relic (3800), Demon Edge (2400)

+88 damage, +15% increased attack speed
True Strike (passive) True Strike causes your attacks to never miss. True Strike is not compatible with some attack modifiers. 35% chance for 100 bonus damage and stop channeling spells
Requires : Demon Edge (2400), Javelin x2 (3000)

+60 damage
Burn Damage (passive) nearby enemies (650 AoE) deal 40damage/sec
Requires : Sacred Relic (3800), Recipe (1350)

+30 Agility, +30 damage
+30% attack speed, +35% Evasion
Requires : Eaglehorn (3300), Quarterstaff (900), Talisman of Evasion (1800)

+81 damage
25% chance 2.5x Critical Strike (passive)
Requires : Demon Edge (2400), Crystalys (2150), Recipe (1200)

+40 damage, +6 Strength
Bash (passive) 1.4 second stun, cooldown 2 seconds, not stack with itself or other bash passives
25% chance (melee), 10% chance (ranged)
Requires : Javelin (1500), Belt of Giant Strenght (450), Recipe (1150)

+65 damage, +150% mana regen, +6 HP/sec regen
Cleaving Attack (passive, melee) 35% splash damage
Requires : Broadsword (1200), Perseverence (1750), Claymore (1400)

+100 Damage, +10 Strength
Bash (passive, same as cranium)
Overwhelm (active) Disables a target unit for 2 seconds. Can be cast on magic immune units.
Cooldown: 60 seconds, Manacost: 150, Cast Range: 140
Requires : Sacred Relic (3800), Cranium Basher (2950)

+26 Agility, +10 Intelligence, +10 Strength, +15% attack speed, 10% movement speed
Illusion (active)
Duration 20 seconds, costs 165 mana
Ranged: Deals 28%, Takes 400% Damage, Cooldown 50
Melee: Deals 33%, Takes 350% Damage, Cooldown 35
Requires : Ultimate Orb (2100), Yasha (2150), Recipe (650)

+35 damage
20% chance 1.75x critical strike (passive)
Requires : Broadsword (1200), Blades of Attack (450), Recipe (500)

+9 damage, +15% attack speed, +5 armor, +5 hp regen
Unholy Strength (active) +31 damage, +10% attack speed, + 25 Strength, - 37 hp/sec
5 seconds cooldown
Requires : Helm of Iron Will (950), Glove of Haste (500), Blades of Attack (450), Recipe (700)

+10 Attack Speed, +38 damage
Wind Walk (active) +20% movement speed, 9 seconds duration, 150 backstab damage
75 mana, 18 seconds cooldown
Requires : Claymore (1400), Quarter Staff (900), Recipe (1100)

+ 40 Agility, + 10 Strength, + 10 Intelligence
Ether Blast (active) Upon targeting an enemy hero, both your hero and the target get banished for 3 seconds. Target takes 75 + 2.0x your Agi in magic damage and is slowed by 80% for 3 seconds. 800 cast range.
50 mana, 30 seconds cooldown
Note: Shares cooldown with Ghost Scepter, can target yourself
Requires : Eaglehorn (3300), Ghost Scepter (1500)
Enchanted Artifacts

+16 Agility, +16 Strength, +12 damage
15% chance to Greater Maim (passive)Greater Maim: 30% movement speed and 30% attack speed slow for 4 second
12% increased movement speed, 15% increased attack speed
Requires : Sange (2150), Yasha (2150)

+25 Strength, 20 damage, +5 armor, 25% lifesteal (Orb, passive)
Unholy Rage (active) +175% lifesteal, 3.5 seconds duration
35 seconds cooldown
Requires : Dominator (1850), Messerschmidt's Reaver (3200), Recipe (1100)

+80 attack speed, +24 damage
Chain Lightning (Orb, passive) 25% chance 160 damage, hits 8 units, 500 bounce range
Static Charge (active) 20% chance 200 damage strike the attacking unit and 2 nearby enemies
50 mana, 35 seconds cooldown, 20 seconds duration, 600 cast range
Requires : Maelstorm (2700), Hyperstone (2100), Recipe (600)
+25 All Stats, +200 HP, +150 Mana
Cold attack (passive, orb) slow enemy (30% movement speed and 20% attack speed) on attack
Requires : Ultimate Orb x2 (4200), Point Booster (1200), Orb of Venom (350)

+16 Strength, +10 damage
15% chance Lesser Maim -20% movement speed and -20% attack speed for 6 sec
Requires : Ogre Axe (1000), Belt of Giant Strength (450), Recipe (700)

+20 damage, +5 armor, 15% Lifesteal (Orb, passive)
Dominate (active) Gain control of an enemy creep for 20 minutes
75 mana, 300 seconds cooldown
Requires : Helm of Iron Will (950), Mask of Death (900)

+25% attack speed, +24 damage
Chain Lightning (Orb, passive) 25% chance 120 damage hits 4 targets
Requires : Gloves of Haste (500), Mithril Hammer (1600), Recipe (600)

+60 damage
Corruption (Orb, passive) reduce target enemy's armor by 6 for 7 seconds
Requires : Mithril Hammers x2 (3200), Recipe (900)

+16 Agility, 10% increased movespeed
15% increased attack speed
Requires : Blade of Alacrity (1000), Boots of Elvenskin (450), Recipe (700)

17% Lifesteal (Orb, passive)
Berserk (active) +100% attack speed, +25% movement speed, +30% damage taken (Amplified damage happens as you take the damage once again)
25 mana, 25 seconds cooldown
Requires : Mask of Death (900), Recipe (1000)

+22/26 Agility, +6/10 Intelligence,
Feedback (Orb, passive) burn 20/36 of target's mana per attack
Purge (active) slow enemy unit, remove most negative buffs, 8 charges
8 seconds cooldown
Can be upgrade once (Purge is recharge on upgrade)
Requires : 2 x Blade of Alacrity (2 x 1000), Robe of the Magi (450), Recipe (850)

+20 Strength, +25 Damage, +25 Evasion
Lesser Maim (passive, same as Sange)
Disarm (active) Removes the target's ability to attack for 4 seconds to ranged targets and 3 seconds to melee targets.
Cooldown: 30, Cast Range: 600, Manacost: 100
Requires : Sange (2150), Talisman of Evasion (1800)
Gateway Relics

+100 movespeed
Teleport (active) teleport to friendly non-hero unit
75 mana, 60 seconds cooldown, 3 seconds cast time
Requires : Boots of Speed (500), Recipe (2000)

60 Movement Speed , +24 Damage
Phase (active) Gives no collision with units, 16% movement increase, 4 seconds duration
Casting spells or items dispells phase, 8 seconds cooldown
Requires : Boots of Speed (500), Blades of Attack (450) x 2

+60 Movement Speed, +25 Attack Speed,+8 Chosen Attribute
Switch Attribute (active)
Requires : Belt of Giant Strength/Boots of Elvenskin/Robe of Magi (450),
Boots of Speed (500), Gloves of Haste (500)

+3 HP Regeneration, +50% Mana Regeneration
Sacrifice (active) Sacrifices 150 HP to temporarily gain 150 Mana to use in the next 10 seconds. Any extra mana that isn't used from that bonus is lost after the duration is over. Any mana usage drains from your buffer mana first.
Cooldown 25, Duration 10
Requires : Ring of Regeneration (350), Sobi Mask (325), Recipe (125)

+30% attack speed
Transmute (active) convert creep into gold
100 seconds cooldown, gives 2.5 Exp and 190 bonus Gold
Requires : Gloves of Haste (500), Recipe (1400)

+6 intelligence, +10% attack speed, +15 damage
+75% mana regen
Requires : Quarterstaff (900), Robe of the Magi (450), Sobi Mask (325)

+10 damage, +5 hp regen
+125% mana regen
Requires : Void Stone (875), Ring of Health (875)
+6 Agility
100% chance to block 20 hero damage, 60% chance to block 20-non hero damage (10 for ranged)
Requires : Stout Shield (250), 2x Slipper of Agility(150)

+3 Agility, +3 Intelligence
+6 Strength, +3 Damage
Requires : Circlet of Nobility (185), Gauntlet of Strength (150), Recipe (190)

+6 Agility, +3 Intelligence
+3 Strength, +3 Damage
Requires : Circlet of Nobility (185), Slippers of Agility (150), Recipe (150)

+3 Agility, +6 Intelligence
+3 Strength, +3 Damage
Requires : Circlet of Nobility (185), Mantle of Intelligence (150), Recipe (170)

+3 all attributes
Energy Charges (active) Collects charges (up to 15) when nearby enemy spells are cast. Energy Charge gives 15 health and 15 mana when used for each charge on it.
Requires : Magic Stick(200), 3x Ironwood Branch, Recipe(150)
All recipes have 4/5 selling price.
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